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Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Queen Silvia visit Villa Vauban

On Thursday, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Queen Silvia visited the Villa Vauban in Luxembourg.

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During their visit, they toured the 'John Constable’s English Landscapes - Masterpieces from the Tate Collection’ exhibition.

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Queen Silvia was in the country as she accompanied King Carl Gustaf who is currently attending the 74th Board Meeting of the World Scout Foundation. Earlier in the day, the Swedish Royal Couple had been received by Grand Duke Henri and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume for lunch at the Grand Ducal Palace.

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Queen Silvia wore a repeated suit with her Chanel flats (and later, white sneakers) and a Longchamp bag.

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Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie wore a navy outfit with her LK Bennett bag and her Swarovski necklace.

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