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Norwegian Crown Prince Couple's official visit to Trøndelag County - Day 3

On Thursday, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit concluded their three-day visit to Trøndelag County in Trondheim. The Crown Prince couple first attended a welcome ceremony in Stiftsgårdsparken during which Crown Prince Haakon and the Mayor made speeches.

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Afterward, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited Lilleby School where they met students and teachers. They also learned more about the city’s La`mo initiative which aims to contribute to safe and good neighborhoods to live and grow up in. 

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Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit then went to Rosendal theatre which has a concept called "pay what you can" to make the performances more affordable and accessible. They also had lunch served by Lamomat which is a project based on social entrepreneurship where women serve homemade food from their home countries.

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Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore her Marni coat with her Hugo Boss blouse, her Zimmermann trousers, and her Chanel pumps. She also wore her Kashmina scarf and her Cartier ring.

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