Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's official visit to Italy - Day 2

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's official visit to Italy - Day 2

Today, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel spent their second day in Rome, Italy as they are leading a Swedish business delegation.

They first visited Open Fiber, an Italian telecommunication company, to learn more about their work.

Afterward, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited EnelX, an Italian energy transformation company, and one of their charging stations for electric cars.

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel visited the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies. The visit also allowed representatives of Swedish and Italian companies to make contact and network. As the Crown Princess Couple will spend their third and last day in Italy tomorrow, they were pictured at Rome’s train station as they traveled from Rome to Turin. You can see the photos here.

Crown Princess Victoria wore her By Malina pantsuit with a white blouse and her Ralph Lauren belt. She paired the outfit with her Stinaa.J ankle boots and a new bag by Susan Szatmary. She also wore Kreuger earrings and necklace as well as her Epoch watch and her usual stack of bracelets. When the Crown Princess couple was pictured at the train station on their way to Turin, Crown Princess Victoria was carrying her Hippi Grace bag.

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's official visit to Italy - Day 3

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's official visit to Italy - Day 3

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