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Crown Princess Mary attends meeting on Skolestyrken initiative

Crown Princess Mary attends meeting on Skolestyrken initiative

On Thursday, Crown Princess Mary attended a meeting on the Skolestyrken initiative with the Mary Fonden, Børns Vilkår, and Red Barnet.

The Skolestyrken initiative is the first joint initiative by the three associations and aims to help schools in their work to create well-being and prevent and deal with bullying in school.

In 2020, Skolestyrken was implemented at a number of selected schools across the country, including Skelgårdsskolen in Tårnby. During the meeting, the deputy headmaster and a teacher of the school discussed their experiences with the program.

Crown Princess Mary wore her Prada embroidered blouse, Dulong earrings, and a Dulong bracelet for this meeting.

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