Crown Princess Mary makes opening speech at global event on "Digital Divide and Forced Displacement"

Crown Princess Mary makes opening speech at global event on "Digital Divide and Forced Displacement"

Today, Crown Princess Mary made the virtual opening speech of the global event on "Digital Divide and Forced Displacement" hosted by the Danish Refugee Council of which she is Patron.

In her speech, Crown Princess Mary said: “As patron of DRC, I've had the pleasure to speak with young, displaced people & you will be impressed when they present their thoughts & ideas on how to empower them through digitalization – creating better futures for this generation. […] Digital technologies can accelerate inequalities. Refugees become isolated & hindered in empowering themselves. An important message today is that investments must be extended to include those that ‘are left behind’”


Crown Princess Mary wore her Stine Goya top with her Dulong earrings.

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