Grand Duchess Maria Teresa raises awareness on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa raises awareness on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

On Tuesday, the ARCUS foundation shared a video message by Grand Duchess Maria Teresa raising awareness on fetal alcohol syndrome. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa had met representatives of the organization earlier this year to learn more about their work and their prevention campaign on fetal alcohol syndrome.

In her message, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa said: “In Luxembourg, it can be said that on average 120 children are born each year with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and only 1 in 10 children are diagnosed. In Western countries, this phenomenon is the leading cause of non-genetic mental disability. The only way to be sure that the child will not develop this problem is to completely give up alcohol as soon as a woman plans to have a child, during the entire pregnancy, and during breastfeeding. Even a small amount of alcohol can have harmful effects on the unborn child and on the infant. Abstinence is therefore the best prevention.”

[ arcus Familljenhaiser ] 🚫 La consommation d'alcool chez la femme enceinte est la première cause d‘handicap mental d‘origine non génétique. Le syndrome d'alcoolisation fœtale (SAF) est un trouble permanent marqué par des déficiences physiques, des déficiences mentales, des problèmes de comportements, etc. Ce trouble varie de léger à grave et est souvent diagnostiqué trop tardivement. Au Luxembourg, environ 120 enfants atteints du SAF naîtraient chaque année et une femme sur 4 continuerait de boire pendant la grossesse. Il est donc important de ne pas boire d'alcool pour les femmes en désir de grossesse, comme pour les femmes enceintes et les femmes en période d'allaitement. 🤰👶💕 Cour Grand-Ducale #grossessesansalcool #préventionSAF #alcooletgrossesse #zéroalcoolgrossesse #syndromealcoolisationfœtale #santémentale #protégerlesenfants #healthymotherhealthybaby #quai57 #arcus

Posted by arcus asbl on Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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