King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia present Royal Orders of Knighthood and meet President of Ukraine

King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia present Royal Orders of Knighthood and meet President of Ukraine

On Friday, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia presented Royal Orders to Swedish citizens at the Royal Palace. It was the first awarding ceremony for Swedish citizens since the Orders were put on hold for Swedish citizens in 1975.

Foto: Jonas Borg/Kungl. Hovstaterna

Recipients included the members of ABBA for their outstanding contributions to Swedish and international music life, and Professors Anne L'Huillier Wahlström and Svante Pääbo for their outstanding research efforts among others.

Foto: Jonas Borg/Kungl. Hovstaterna

Afterward, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia received the President of Ukraine at the Royal Palace.

Foto: Clément Morin/Kungl. Hovstaterna

During the meeting, President Zelensky provided the latest information on the situation in Ukraine and King Carl Gustaf expressed his support for the people of Ukraine.

Foto: Clément Morin/Kungl. Hovstaterna

Queen Silvia wore a Maknam dress with her Brunate pumps.

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