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Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar open "World of Water" exhibition

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar open "World of Water" exhibition

On Monday, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar opened the "World of Water" exhibition at the National Museum of Natural History in Stockholm.

In her opening speech, Crown Princess Victoria said: “Here we have not had to think about clean water. It's only there when we turn the tap. But as climate change becomes more apparent, it has begun to dawn on many of us that we need to be careful about our water. Knowledge is the key to action that leads to change. That is why your exhibition is so important. Here, school classes and visitors can learn, among other things, about the water cycle, how it works, and that it is affected by us humans. I am still fascinated to hear that we drink the same water as the dinosaurs - it is borrowed, used, and returned to the water cycle.”

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Oscar then toured the exhibition which showcases the conditions and adaptations of different species to live in different water environments and it also highlights how people's current lifestyle and use of water leave an impression on the oceans and other ecosystems.

Crown Princess Victoria wore an Alberto Biani dress with her Saint Laurent sandals. She also wore her Corinne hair tie, her Epoch watch, and her Luc of Sweden necklace.

Prince Oscar wore a white shirt and beige trousers with New Balance sneakers.

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