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Crown Princess Victoria spends second day in Paris

Today, Crown Princess Victoria spent her second day in Paris, France as she is in the country to highlight the relationship between Sweden and France.

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Crown Princess Victoria first visited the Fabrique du Métro to visit the Grand Paris Express innovation laboratory, in charge of the development of the future Paris metro system.

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Afterward, she attended a meeting and lunch with the Swedish Ambassador to France at the Swedish Embassy.

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In the afternoon, Crown Princess Victoria attended the “French-Swedish Business Summit on the decarbonization of the economy" during which she made a speech as a UN Ambassador for the 2030 Agenda.

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She also met with the French Minister for Finances Bruno Le Maire who was also attending the Summit.

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In the evening, Crown Princess Victoria attended a dinner at the Pavillon Vendôme.

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She also opened the ‘Pioneer the Possible’ exhibition and delivered Prizes of Excellence to three Swedish companies.

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Crown Princess Victoria first wore her Andiata blazer over a black blouse and black trousers with her Saint Lauren bag and pumps. She also wore her Omega watch and her usual stack of bracelets.

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In the evening, Crown Princess Victoria wore a new H&M sequinned outfit with her Gianvito Rossi pumps and her LK Bennett clutch. She paired the outfit with her Maria Nilsdotter earrings and her usual stack of bracelets.

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