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Regal Review: King Felipe and Queen Letizia's Introductory Visit to Portugal

On July 7th, 2014, King Felipe and Queen Letizia made their introductory visit to Portugal. They were officially welcomed by President Anibal Cavaco Silva, and his wife, Maria Cavaco Silva, at the National Palace of Belém.

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The President and the First Lady held a meeting with King Felipe and Queen Letizia before hosting a luncheon in honor of the new King and Queen of Spain.

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Afterward, King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited the São Bento Palace, the seat of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic. They met with the President of the Assembly and visited the exhibition “The Birth of a Democracy” in the Hall of Lost Steps, dedicated to the Carnation Revolution.

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King Felipe and Queen Letizia concluded their introductory visit to Portugal at the Official Residence of the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic, Pedro Passos Coelho.

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Queen Letizia wore a Felipe Varela lace jacket and matching dress with Magrit blue pumps and a Madmacarena clutch.

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