On Friday afternoon, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and Princess Catharina-Amalia started their tour of the Dutch Caribbean as they touched down in Bonaire.
All in Princess Catharina-Amalia
On Friday afternoon, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and Princess Catharina-Amalia started their tour of the Dutch Caribbean as they touched down in Bonaire.
Every year, UFO No More counts the number of days worked by several royal families. We hope that learning about how many days these families worked during the year might help you put their totals in the “How Much Is It All Worth?” post into perspective.
The UFO No More team wishes you a very happy holiday season! To celebrate, we’re taking a look at our favorite royals’ Holidays Greetings!
On Friday, the Dutch Royal Family posed for a Fall photo session at De Nieuwe Kerk.
On Tuesday, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended Prinsjesdag with Princess Catharina-Amalia, Prince Constantjin, and Princess Laurentien.
On Wednesday evening, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and Princess Catharina-Amalia attended a gala dinner for the Council of State at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague.
On Monday, Princess Catharina-Amalia started her studies at the University of Amsterdam, with a bachelor's degree in Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics (PPLE)
On Friday afternoon, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and their three daughters posed for their annual summer photo session at Noordeinde Palace.
On Friday evening, King Harald and Queen Sonja hosted a gala dinner at the Royal Palace to celebrate Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th birthday with her family, her friends, and European royalty in attendance.
Today, King Willem-Alexander celebrated his 55th birthday! Koningsdag is usually celebrated in a Dutch city and this year it was in Maastricht.
On Tuesday, the Dutch Court shared new photos of Princess Catharina-Amalia as she undertakes an internship with the Orange fonds during her gap year.