On Thursday, Queen Maxima spent her third day in the US as she undertakes a working visit to California and Texas.
All in Queen Maxima
On Thursday, Queen Maxima spent her third day in the US as she undertakes a working visit to California and Texas.
On Wednesday, Queen Maxima spent the second day of her working visit to the US in San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
On Tuesday, Queen Maxima started a four-day working visit to California and Texas.
On Monday, Queen Maxima started a two-day visit to India in her role as UNSGSA to discuss finance inclusion ahead of India taking over the G20 presidency in December.
On Wednesday, Queen Maxima visited the activity market of the Reception Week and the Introduction Program for new students in Delft.
On Wednesday, Queen Maxima launched the Eye Fund’s ‘Knikker myopie de wereld uit’ campaign against myopia in Rotterdam.
On Thursday evening, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima attended a gala celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Dutch National Ballet.
On Thursday, Queen Maxima joined a craft group at the TextielMuseum as craft groups from all over the country that are currently embroidering the new curtains for the Chinese Hall of Huis ten Bosch Palace.
On Wednesday, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima spent their third and last day in Vienna as part of their State Visit to the country.
On Tuesday, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima spent their second day in Vienna as part of their three-day state visit to Austria.
Today, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima started a three-day state visit to Austria.
Welcome to this week’s Royal Recap where we’ll take a look at the events we weren’t able to cover fully this week!
On Friday afternoon, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, and their three daughters posed for their annual summer photo session at Noordeinde Palace.
On Thursday, Queen Maxima attended a conference on the importance of the financial health of employees in the business world in Rotterdam.
On Wednesday, Queen Maxima attended two events in The Hague and Beverwijk for Money Wise and Mind US.
Today, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary started a two-day business visit to The Netherlands with a Danish business delegation.
On Friday evening, King Harald and Queen Sonja hosted a gala dinner at the Royal Palace to celebrate Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th birthday with her family, her friends, and European royalty in attendance.
On Thursday, Queen Maxima spent her second and last day in Senegal in her role as United Nations Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.
Today, Queen Maxima started the second leg of her trip to West Africa in her role as United Nations Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.
On Tuesday, Queen Maxima continued her trip to Côte d’Ivoire in her role as United Nations Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.